Tahun |
Judul Artikel Ilmiah |
Volume/ Nomor/ halaman | Nama Jurnal |
Alamat URL |
2013 | ||||
2014 | Efektivitas Cara Penularan Virus Mozaik pada Tanaman Cabe | Vol. XIII No.2 | AGRIFOR | //www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q |
2015 | Ketahanan Beberapa Varietas Tomat terhadap Penyakit Fusarium Oxysforum dengan Pemberian Trichoderma | Vol. XIV, No.1 | AGRIFOR | //www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q |
2016 | Efektifitas Beberapa Fungisida Terhadap Perkembangan Penyakit Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum frutescens) | Vol 15, No 1 (2016 | AGRIFOR | //www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q |
2017 | 1. .Inventarisasi Cendawan Mikro Serta Potensinya Sebagai Biofertilizer Dan Agensia Pengendali Hayati Pada Lahan Reklamasi Tambang Batu Bara Di Samarinda
2. Study of climatic factors on the population dynamics of Pyricularia Oryzaeon some varieties of paddy rice (Oryza sativa) 3. The benefit of top soil and fertilizer mixture to improve the ex-coal mining land 4. Genus Nematoda Entomopatogen padaLahan Lebak Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Muara Wis Kab Kutai Kartanegara |
16 No.2
18, Number 2 Vol. 9, No. 1 Prosiding KAIB |
BIODIVERSITAS Nusantara Bioscience |
//www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q https://www.google.com/search?q=sopialena+biodiversitas&biw= http://biosains.mipa.uns.ac.id/N/N0901.htm |
Biodiversitas | |||
2018 | The Role of Neem Leaves as Organic Pesticides in Chilli pepper | Nusantara Bioscience | ||
2018 | Diversitas Jamur Endofit pada Tanaman Padi dan Potensi Sebagai Pengendali Hama | JATL | ||
2019 | Efektivitas Jamur Endofit sebagai pengendali penyakit Blast secara in Vitro | Agrifor | ||
2020 | Investasi jamur endofit terhadap intensitas penyakit, pertumbuhan dan hasil pada beberapavarietas tanaman padi | Agrifor | ||
2021 | Influence of biopestices on growth cause by Antracnose in Cayene Pepper | JATL | ||
2019 | Plant Resistance to leave and their effect on Paddy Rice Plant in Kutai Barat | Asean Journal | ||
2019 | Diversity of Diseases of Rice in KutaiKartanegara, Indonesia | Asean Journal | ||
High Conservation Value Consideration in The Extrication of Forest Area | Tadulako Law Review, Sinta-3 | |||
2020 | Control of Rice Diseases using Endophytic Fungi | Penyelenggara Unpad | ProsidingNasional on Earth and Environmental Science | |
2021 | Control of Bacterial Leaf Diseases using Paenobacillus sp. | International Prociding Scopus | ||
2021 | Potential of Paenobacillus sp. and Tricoderma sp. to control Leaf Blight on Maizw | International Prociding Scopus | ||
2021 | Control of Antracnose Disease using Endophytic Fungi | Bali, 2021 | International Prociding Scopus | |
2021 | Investments of Metarhizium sp. and Trichoderma sp. in Post Coal Mining Soil to Soil Fertility, Growth and Yield of Tomato | Bali, 2021 | International Prociding Scopus | |
2021 | Association of Endophytic Fungi to Rice Plants | Samarinda, 2021 | International Prociding (ISBN) |